Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Stressful Work Day?

There’s a picture on the wall at the cleaners I take my clothes to. It's of a man in a grey suit with slicked back hair, arms crossed and a scowl on his face. Underneath him there’s a caption that says, “You may have to go through the wringer at work, but you don’t have to look like it.” I don’t know why but I laugh every time I see it. It makes me think about my family and the community we live in. Work can be stressful sometimes, and if you’re like most people, on occasion, you will come home at night feeling like you just went through the wringer. Many times while driving home I find myself thinking about work, what happened that day and what needs to be done the next day, right up to the moment I turn into our neighborhood. But right there, that's where it all that stress seems to start fading away. For that reason is why great master-planned communities were designed with long, lush entry avenues. These boulevards were created as decompression zones for busy, stressed hard working people. It becomes a place for them to relax, roll down the windows and take in the beauty of their community. A place to take a deep breath and say to yourself, “I’m blessed to be alive and thankful for my family and home”. That's what makes a day of feeling like you've gone through the ringer all worth it. What an amazing feeling something seemingly so insignificant can produce. I hope you take the time to enjoy yours this evening.

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